Registration for this schedule starts on 05/04/2024 and ends on 10/14/2024
Participants must be 11 years to 18 years and 3 months old when the program starts.
Registration for this schedule starts on 05/04/2024 and ends on 09/04/2024
Participants must be 18 years to 90 years old when the program starts.
VEX Robotics Competition VRC
Build Days- team members schedule times that are convenient to them in
communication with coaches but this will initially on Thursdays or
Saturdays. The schedule will be adjusted as the year progresses to work for both coaches and team members.
Financial Commitment for the Competitive Robotics Program:
We aim to make the program accessible to all students and offer custom
payment options, scholarships based on sweat equity for program fees.
Participant fees must be paid, or we can assist in finding a sponsor.
Payment plans are available, or you can pay online.
Sweat equity scholarships entail supporting the team through volunteer
activities such as Montezuma Ball, STEM Fair, or facility maintenance.
Fundraising assistance, like seeking support from local businesses, is
also encouraged. Please request scholarships HERE.
Award-Winning Robotics Program
The cost to participate on the team is $500 per family and an additional
$135 per child. This money can be paid in one payment or divided out
monthly, whatever is most convenient for your family. Scholarships are
available should you need support to participate in the program. This fee does not cover the cost of travel to competitions.
In addition, students and parents will be asked to participate in
fundraising activities to raise support for the entire program or to
assist the team in some volunteer position.
Program Benefits
While the membership fee does not cover the cost of travel to competitions,
it does give you access to the robotics team in addition to other
opportunities including:
-STEM entrepreneurial training
-Volunteer mentoring training
-Student Leadership training
-Letter certifying student volunteer hours upon request (with you providing number of volunteer hours)
Student Leadership Opportunities
Please contact R4Creating if you have any questions.