R4Creating Fall Competitive Robotics Team Registration LOW G

  • Robotics, Engineering, General STEM, Computer programming
R4 Classroom 107: 4311 Sara Rd #107, Rio Rancho, NM 87124, USA
Aug 31 2024
Apr 06 2025


BEST 2024 LowG Team (08/31/2024-12/15/2024) Registration closed

BEST LOWG plus fees
  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri6:00 - 8:00 pm
  • Sat 
  • Sun 

Additional services and fees

Uniform Fee $30.00

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 05/04/2024 and ends on 09/30/2024


Participants must be 10 years to 90 years old when the program starts.

BEST 2024 LowG Mentors (12/21/2024-04/06/2025) Registration closed

BEST LOWG plus fees
  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri6:00 - 8:00 pm
  • Sat 
  • Sun 

Additional services and fees

Uniform Fee $30.00

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 05/04/2024 and ends on 09/30/2024


Participants must be 18 years to 90 years old when the program starts.

In-person location

R4 Classroom 107: 4311 Sara Rd #107, Rio Rancho, NM 87124, USA




Our championship, community team is open to any student between the ages of 10-18. In the fall, we compete in Boosting Engineering Science and Technology (BEST) Robotics competition.

Team members do not have to be experts, simply have a willingness to learn.

-All-Team meetings are held each Friday night during competition from 6-8pm beginning August 31st - December 15th.

-Committee meetings are held during times that are mutually beneficial for the team members and their committee mentor so that can vary.


Important dates include:
Dates are still being worked out for the New Mexico Hub Kickoff which should happen at the end of August or first of September.

If we qualify for Regionals:
The Regional competition will happen with in the first 2 weeks of December in Dallas TX

Award-Winning Robotics Program
Program Benefits
the Fall membership fee does not cover the cost of travel to
competitions, it does give you access to the robotics team in addition
to other opportunities including:

-STEM entrepreneurial training
-Volunteer mentoring training
-Student Leadership training
-Additional presentations by professionals from STEM organizations as related to the theme of this years competition
-Letter certifying student volunteer hours upon request (with you providing number of volunteer hours)

Student Leadership Opportunities
The team itself  is student-led. Therefore, students have the opportunity
to apply for positions of leadership within the organization in addition
to participating as committee members at their discretion.

If you are new to the team, consider the application a way to learn more
and share with us what you like and what you might be interested in
(check off what seems interesting). If you have been on the team for at
least a year, we encourage you to apply for a leadership position based
on your desires, interests and the time that you have to dedicate to the
team in the fall.
We strive to Be Greater Than Average which means we work hard at learning more each day - sometimes
that leads to trophies and wins while other times it leads to failing
forward and complications. All of it builds strong character and that,
in this humble coach's opinion, is the most important real world outcome
of this special program.
Please let us know if you have any questions!

Before you go any further, read through our organizational structure HERE and about the various positions within the team.

Apply for leadership here (returning students only):Returning Student Application

Financial Commitment for Fall Robotics program:

We don’t deny any student and provide custom payment options, scholarships for sweat equity for program fee. 
fees need to be paid or we will help you to find a sponsor for your
student. We can set up a payment plan or you can pay online.
Family program fee (covers one student):             $300*               
Per student participant uniform fee:                       $ 30*
second+ student participation fee:                                   $100*

- If you choose a sweat equity scholarship you are expected to support
the team through volunteer activities including working at Montezuma
Ball, STEM Fair, or helping to keep the facility clean. You can also
help with fundraising by taking groups of students out to local
businesses to ask for support.
Travel fees are on your own – we do cost share when needed/possible
Fundraising – every student is required to go on at least 2 sponsor outings or submit one team sponsorship

Feeding the crew
– We try to provide meals and snacks, but that is up to our families
and we ask your help with this if possible twice in the fall


*Fee above doesn't include Credit Card fees. If you wish to pay with cash or check to avoid the Credit Card Fees please use the following code for

cashorcheckpayment: CASHORCHECK


Registration closed.